
The Castle Rock Institute summer program, like the other CRI programs, includes academic study. In fact, the academic component of our programs is what disinguishes the Institute from other outdoor adventure organizations, and what has created the excellent reputation we enjoy with universities and colleges around the country. More than fifty schools have accepted CRI course credits, even when they do not accept transfer credit from other major outdoor adventure programs.
The CRI summer curriculum revolves around a Comparative Religions course rooted in Cultural Anthropology.
The Castle Rock Institute is an educational community dedicated to studying the Humanities, to examining those academic disciplines concerned with how people throughout history have expressed, confronted, and understood the perplexities of the human condition. It strives to awaken for students a sense of the value and relevance of the Humanities, and to furnish knowledge, skills and experiences that challenge individuals to understand better who they are, and who they might be. Read more...
Students on the Castle Rock Institute summer program take one course in Religious Studies. The course awards 3 hours of academic credit. It lasts 4 weeks, meets regularly, and includes traditional undergraduate assignments like required readings, papers, group presentations, and exams. All classwork is evaluated and students receive a transcript of their grades when they complete the program. Read more...
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