
Summer Programs
Our Summer Programs are 29-day, multi-element expeditions that combine outdoor adventure travel with one 3-hour course in Religious Studies. With their emphasis on the outdoors, academics and small group experience, these summer sessions are abbreviated versions of our regular semester sessions. Two summer sessions are available: the first (early summer) travels throughout North and South Carolina, and the other (late summer) travels to Australia.
These sessions are multi-part expeditions. Students arrive at the Castle Rock Institute base camp in Brevard, North Carolina for a few days of basic skills instruction and trip planning, and then depart for an extended itinerary of professor-led adventure travel.
During these expeditions, students take one course, "The Anthropology of Religion." This is a 3-hour course that meets every other day for discussions, involves a series of readings, brief writing assignments, and a final exam. The course instructor will accompany the trips and hold class along the way. Brevard College has approved the course and issues a transcript to each student at the end of the session. Read more...
Outdoor Adventure
The domestic program includes backpacking, camping and rock climbing, whitewater rafting, biking and sea kayaking. It takes students to multiple locations in North and South Carolina. The Australia program flies to Broome, in Western Australia for camping, hiking, surfing, and biking. All of the expedition groups travel for several weeks, engaging all these activities, meeting for class, preparing their meals, and sharing group responsibilities throughout. The expeditions return to the Castle Rock Institute base camp for two final days of processing and celebration. Read more...
Community Life
Each expedition group can accommodate approximately 7-11 students. CRI limits the size of its groups for logistical reasons, but also to help foster a true sense of community among participants. Spending so much time with the same set of people, and with an ambitious adventure itinerary, it is important that students work together, communicate well, and often compromise personal preferences for the benefit of others. This kind of greater awareness makes the entire expedition more enjoyable for all. Read more...
Comprehensive fees:
(including tuition, trips, equipment, room, board, and books, but excluding airfare):
NC Expedition = $3,950
Australia Expedition = $5,050.