
Outdoor Adventure
As a complement to its academic mission, the Castle Rock Institute organizes for its students regular outdoor adventure trips. Led by trained and certified instructors, students spend several days each week participating in outdoor activities, whether they be day-long or multi-day overnight adventures. Being out on the trail, down the river, and up the rock, is an integral part of CRI.
The Institute takes seriously the idea that there is a fundamental connection between body and mind, between embodied, lived experience and the more abstract, theoretical concerns of the intellect. It understands a mutually reinforcing relationship between direct contact with the natural world and the intellectual goals central to the Humanities.
Outdoor adventure at the Castle Rock Institute is designed to enhance students' awareness of nature, foster a better sense of community, provide opportunities for reflection, and certainly, to be simply fun.
Our Location
The diversity of its natural surroundings allows the Castle Rock Institute to offer an amazing variety of outdoor adventure activities. Our base camp is in Brevard, North Carolina, a bit southwest of Asheville, and nestled in the Blue Ridge mountians. Read more...
Outdoor Activities
When you enroll for a semester at the Institute, you won't just backpack on the Appalachian Trial, or paddle rapids on the Nantahala River. You'll also spend time topping out some of the best rock climbing routes in the southeast. You'll take mountain bike trips through a network of over 200 miles of designated trails, and you'll sea kayak along a pristine mountain lake. Read more...
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