
Thematic Humanities Program
Our Thematic Humanities Program combines exciting outdoor adventure experiences, small-group living, and interdisciplinary courses in the Humanities. Its overall goal is to create a balanced and integrated educational experience for college students. In the context of community learning and regular contact with the natural world, it seeks to investigate how the Humanities are relevant to both individuals and communities.
This is a domestic program with students spending their time in the southeastern United States, and primarily in the mountains of western North Carolina, but also in South Carolina, Tennessee and Florida. Our main Lodge serves as a base camp housing the students when not on outdoor trips.
This program features four courses in the Humanities: Religious Studies, Philosophy, Literature, and Studio Art. Throughout the semester, you'll read wonderful books, meet regularly with your professors for group discussions, and hone your creativity and writing skills. You'll be challenged intellectually and asked to make connections between your studies and "what it means to be human." Read more...
Outdoor Adventure
This CRI program offers our best variety of outdoor adventure activity. You'll enjoy rock climbing, backpacking, whitewater canoeing and kayaking, sea kayaking, camping, mountain biking, and caving. With beginners in mind, our experienced guides provide basic instruction and the Institute furnishes all the necessary equipment. Read more...
Community Life
The group size for this program is limited to 8-12 students (with up to 2 separate groups enrolling). This makes for an incredibly intimate experience. For an entire semester you'll do everything with the same set of people, and be asked to cooperate and compromise. As you develop close friendships, you'll be surprised how ordinary activities become simply fun, and how enjoyable learning can be. Read more...
Comprehensive fee: $14,250
(including tuition, trips, equipment, room, board, and books)