
A Typical Day at CRI
Most days at the Castle Rock Institute are quite busy and full. We pack a lot in, working and playing hard.
Just imagine, you'll wake up in your tent rested from yesterday's hiking, but also hungry and maybe a little sore. After a solid breakfast, you help break camp and discuss the day's planned route. It's your turn to lead so you pay particular attention to the map today. The group's ready and you're off to the next campsite. That night after dinner, everyone gets together to discuss an article from class. Back in your tent afterwards, you get a little reading done before turning off your headlamp for the night.
Some days will be devoted exclusively to outdoor activities, while others might be more relaxed with a class in the morning and free time the rest of the day.
Balancing everything is a significant challenge, and generally involves combining tasks and allocating time wisely. You may, for example, find yourself contemplating ethics while encouraging a fellow student on a climbing route, reading a novel for literature class late at night, or discussing your paper topic while preparing dinner.
The program's goal is to create a balanced educational experience, one that combines ordinarily separate activities for their mutual benefit.
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