community life

community living

community learning

Community Life

The small size of each Castle Rock group makes attention to issues of community and group dynamics central to life at the Institute. Students spend a great deal of time together-- eating meals, taking classes, going on outdoor trips, studying and preparing for class, just hanging out. Consequently, it is important that everyone develop strategies for getting along-- choosing to act responsibly, make decisions that benefit the group as a whole, and be honest in their interactions with others.

Building a sense of community, allowing for effective leadership, and realizing the kind of positive relationships this entails-- the friendship, support, encouragement and trust --helps improve every other aspect of life during the program.

Life at CRI
A semester at the Castle Rock Institute is often described as an intense personal, intellectual, and physical experience. It demands a great deal from students, but promises to be extraordinarily rewarding as well. It proves to be a form of fully engaged college education. Read more...

A Typical Day
A typical day on a Castle Rock program blends discussion-class learning, group meals, outdoor experience, and free time for individual study and hanging out. Read more...

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