
A Typical Day at CRI
Most days at the Castle Rock Institute are quite busy and full. We pack a lot in, working and playing hard.
Just imagine, one morning you will wake up, and after a hot breakfast, spend a few minutes preparing for the day's class. You might need to finish up some reading or polish a group presentation you're doing with a couple of other students. You'll spend a few hours in class discussing assigned readings, listening to a faculty lecture, or perhaps a guest speaker. After lunch, everyone will gather gear for a short mountain bike or rock climbing trip. Or, this may be a chance for you to work out on the climbing wall, or just to take a quiet walk in the forest. Back in time for a late dinner, you'll have free time afterwards to work on your class readings or studio art assignments, head into town for a movie, or just relax with a friend.
Balancing everything is quite a project, and generally involves combining tasks and allocating time wisely. You may, for example, find yourself contemplating Buddhist ethics while encouraging a fellow student on a climbing route, reading a novel for literature class on a camping trip, or discussing your paper topic over lunch with your professor.
Overall, we strive to create a balanced life, one that asks a great deal from students, but that also promises valuable returns.
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