
CRI Leadership Studies Courses
The CRI Leadership Studies curriculum currently includes four core courses. Distributed over four traditional sub-disciplines of the Humanities-- Studio Art, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and English-- they provide an introduction to these subjects while focusing on the overall theme of leadership.
Intended for sophomores and juniors in college, these are 300-level courses. They do not have formal prerequisites, but are generally more advanced than most introductory ("101") college courses. They are recommended for Humanities majors as well as majors concerned with the notion of leadership such as education, business, and outdoor recreation.
Listed here are brief course descriptions and links to sample syllabi from past sessions (in .pdf format).
Visual Processes and Products
This is a studio art course where students develop an awareness of creative visual forms, and learn the intellectual and material processes involved in producing artistic works. The course pays special attention to non-verbal forms of communication and expression. This course employs a variety of media.
(sample syllabus)
Philosophical Perspectives on the Humanities
This course examines how basic concepts of philosophy illuminate important conceptions of leadership and human relationships. Selected readings may be drawn from Ethics, Aesthetics, Epistemology, Metaphysics, and the Philosophy of Language. The course is divided equally between classical philosophers and current philosophical problems. (sample syllabus)
Religion and Culture
Working with materials drawn from religions around the world, including indigenous traditions, this course studies how religious beliefs and practices both shape and are shaped by culture. It seeks to elucidate the diverse relationships between religious phenomena and the nature of leadership. This course is explicitly cross-cultural and includes materials from Australia, New Zealand, and Mexico. (sample syllabus)
Literature and Values
This course concentrates on human values as reflected in literary texts from various times and places. With attention to different genres of literature and with cross-cultural examples rooted in Australia, New Zealand, and Mexico, it aims to open new paths of inquiry and insight into the complexities of leadership. This course, particularly, requires students to develop their writing skills. (sample syllabus)
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