
Summer Outdoor Activities
The summer sessions at Castle Rock each include a variety of outdoor adventure activities.
The domestic session begins with backpacking across the Blue Ridge Mountains, and continues with camping and rock climbing, whitewater rafting, biking and sea kayaking.
The Australia group spends more time hiking and sea kayking, but also includes surfing, biking and snorkeling. The highlight of this trip is a 7-day coastal hike following a traditional Aboriginal route and guided by members of a local indigenous community.
Both sessions emphasize foot and boat travel through remote areas. These expeditions provide basic introductions to the different outdoor adventure activities, and are suitable for students with little or no previous experience in outdoor adventure.
Here is a list of outdoor activities we offer in these summer programs.
- Hiking
- Camping
- Snorkeling
- Surfing
- Mountain Biking
- Rock climbing
- Backpacking
- Sea kayaking
- Rafting
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